Ep. 5 of Challenges of an Immigrant

When you are new to an environment, you expect to be accepted by all because we are humans, and, essentially, we are all equal. Unfortunately, more often than not, that is not the case. Just like George Orwell said in his book Animal Farm, “some animals are more equal than others.” So we know that not […]

Ep. 4 of Challenges of an Immigrant

I frequently meet different immigrants from various backgrounds and cultures and hear the complaints of not being easily integrated or accepted in the new society. As a result, they naturally gravitate towards people from their culture or people who look like them. They choose to remain in the realm of comfortability and not want to […]

Challenges of an Immigrant-Ep. 3

Each step we take demonstrates why we made it out of our comfort zone and are on the path of success. You need to reach out to the inner strength that made you not freak out on the way to the airport.  Our strength lies in remembering the stories from our backgrounds and growing up. These […]

#ChallengesofanImmigrant Ep. 2 pt. 2

I thought I’d conclude on the part from last week on accepting the inevitable. Distancing yourself from your colleagues or neighbors based on perceived behaviors or discrimination does not change the situation. I already knew I was the only black immigrant in the room, and there was nothing that would change it. But I chose […]

How Covid-19 has Affected Immigrants

The Pandemic of Covid19 was disruptive for every person around the world. The virus took a toll on various industries and individuals. However, one of the groups who did not receive much attention for the effects they’ve experienced due to the virus is immigrants. For those who were born outside of the United States, this […]

#ChallengesOfAnImmigrant – Ep. 2

Your new environment may discriminate against you, but don’t distance yourself from the situation, so you do not validate their reasons for the discrimination. Being in a new city, country, workplace, or around new people can be awkward and different in certain instances. One of the main challenges immigrants face is speaking the language of […]